National Geographic Kids

National Geographic Kids on iPad showcases each issue with engaging interactive content and dynamic functionality.

Open Library

Access thousands of e-books here. Read for free online.  Some available for downloading.

Open Library is a project of the non-profit Internet Archive, and has been funded in part by a grant from the California State Library and the Kahle/Austin Foundation.

ICDL – Free Books for Children

The International Children’s Digital Library (ICDL) brings a worldwide collection of children’s books to the iPhone and iPad. The largest collection of its kind, the ICDL spans the globe with thousands of children’s books from 60 countries, in a wide assortment of beautiful languages with captivating illustrations. Meet the six Mongolian brothers in search of knowledge, the gray peacemaker cat that does something most unusual to the other cat’s ears, or a version of the Three Little Pigs that you surely have never heard before.